It was a bright but breezy day for our walk around Whipsnade Downs looking for butterflies, in particular Duke of Burgundy, Green Hairstreak, Grizzled and Dingy Skippers. There were 16 of us in total but unfortunately no YounGnats.
We saw 16 species of butterflies mostly in the more sheltered locations, and saw each of our target species. In fact there were 50 Duke of Burgundy spread over a good range of the walk. The other species included Brown Argus, Common Blue, Brimstone, Green Veined White, Large White, Orange Tip, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock and a Cinnabar Moth!
Thanks to Greg Herbert and Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Butterfly Conservation for organising the walk.
- Over 50 Duke of Burgundys,
- … a few Green hairstreaks,
- … a few Grizzled Skippers,
- … and lots of Dingy Skippers!