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Programme of Events
This programme forms part of the Bedfordshire and Luton Biodiversity Action Plan to increase involvement in the study and conservation of our wealth of wildlife. For more information visit the BRMC.
INDOOR TALKS: Start 8pm at Maulden Village Hall MAP
MK45 2DP TL048380 - parking is free.
Visitors are encouraged.
FIELD MEETINGS: Bring stout footwear and suitable clothing to all field meetings.
In bad weather, the leaders may cancel the event if conditions are unsuitable. Please check early on the day.
Children under 16 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Unfortunately, some field trips will not be suitable for wheelchair users and pushchairs. Please contact the leader in advance if you have any concerns about accessibility.
Ordnance Survey Landranger maps 152, 153, 165 & 166 cover Bedfordshire, and Explorer maps 193 & 208 cover all but a few outlying areas of the county at a larger scale.
A small charge is requested for refreshments at the talks and possibly on other occasions. Donations are always welcome
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The BNHS thanks all who have kindly given permission to hold field outings and to visit their properties.
BBC - Organised in conjunction with our ornithological section, the Bedfordshire Bird Club.
(F) - Particularly suitable for families and young people especially YounGnats.
Children 16 years and under must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
(L) - Bring food to meetings marked thus. Lunch will normally be eaten at the car parking area.
If joining the meeting for the afternoon arrive by 1:45pm.

This programme forms part of the Bedfordshire and Luton Biodiversity Action Plan to increase involvement in the study and conservation of our wealth of wildlife. For more information visit the BRMC.
INDOOR TALKS: Start 8pm at Maulden Village Hall MAP
MK45 2DP TL048380 - parking is free.
Visitors are encouraged.
FIELD MEETINGS: Bring stout footwear and suitable clothing to all field meetings.
In bad weather, the leaders may cancel the event if conditions are unsuitable. Please check early on the day.
Children under 16 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Unfortunately, some field trips will not be suitable for wheelchair users and pushchairs. Please contact the leader in advance if you have any concerns about accessibility.
Ordnance Survey Landranger maps 152, 153, 165 & 166 cover Bedfordshire, and Explorer maps 193 & 208 cover all but a few outlying areas of the county at a larger scale.
A small charge is requested for refreshments at the talks and possibly on other occasions. Donations are always welcome
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The BNHS thanks all who have kindly given permission to hold field outings and to visit their properties.
BBC - Organised in conjunction with our ornithological section, the Bedfordshire Bird Club.
(F) - Particularly suitable for families and young people especially YounGnats.
Children 16 years and under must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
(L) - Bring food to meetings marked thus. Lunch will normally be eaten at the car parking area.
If joining the meeting for the afternoon arrive by 1:45pm.
THIS IS A PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME ONLY. Details may change and additional events may be organised at short notice. All places must be booked in advance.
BIG – Bedfordshire Invertebrate Group, book your place with Andrew Green, emailsawflies(at)bnhs.org.uk telephone 01234 772555
Please book a place for other events as mentioned in the write-up with bnhsevents@bnhs.org.uk
2025 April May June July
Events Programme (PDF)
April 2025
Thursday 24th April : WOODWALTON FEN MAP
10:00am Guided walk around Woodwalton Fen
Following on from February's inspiring talk via Zoom given by Henry Stanier, the BNHS is arranging a group guided walk around Woodwalton Fen from 10 to 12.30pm. There is a charge of £7.50 per person and this will be collected in cash on the day but please contact Mike Bird on council14@bnhs.org.uk to reserve a place on the tour. The Wildlife Trust staff can accommodate a maximum of 20 people so places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Booking is essential.
Woodwalton Fen is famous for being the first reserve of its kind in the UK and it formed an important focal point for the Great Fen Project which continues to expand across Cambridgeshire.
The meeting point and car park for the guided walk is along the drainage bank at the entrance to the reserve on Chapel Road, Ramsey Heights, PE26 2RS TL244848. If you prefer to park at the Ramsey Heights Nature Reserve there will be an extra half mile walk to the Woodwalton Fen entrance.
More details can be found at greatfen.org.uk/woodwalton-fen
Please note there are no toilet facilities in Woodwalton Fen reserve although these are available at the Wildlife Centre at the Ramsey Heights Nature Reserve. We suggest you bring a picnic lunch.
Leader: Mike Bird
10:00am Guided walk around Woodwalton Fen
Following on from February's inspiring talk via Zoom given by Henry Stanier, the BNHS is arranging a group guided walk around Woodwalton Fen from 10 to 12.30pm. There is a charge of £7.50 per person and this will be collected in cash on the day but please contact Mike Bird on council14@bnhs.org.uk to reserve a place on the tour. The Wildlife Trust staff can accommodate a maximum of 20 people so places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Booking is essential.
Woodwalton Fen is famous for being the first reserve of its kind in the UK and it formed an important focal point for the Great Fen Project which continues to expand across Cambridgeshire.
The meeting point and car park for the guided walk is along the drainage bank at the entrance to the reserve on Chapel Road, Ramsey Heights, PE26 2RS TL244848. If you prefer to park at the Ramsey Heights Nature Reserve there will be an extra half mile walk to the Woodwalton Fen entrance.
More details can be found at greatfen.org.uk/woodwalton-fen
Please note there are no toilet facilities in Woodwalton Fen reserve although these are available at the Wildlife Centre at the Ramsey Heights Nature Reserve. We suggest you bring a picnic lunch.
Leader: Mike Bird
May 2025
Saturday 24th May : TURVEY
10:00am Visit to the disused railway line running through the Turvey Estate to view plant life in particular but also the many invertebrates, birds, lichens and mosses that flourish here. Orchids should just be beginning to flower. Other plants in or around the railway line have included Adders Tongue Fern, Black Spleenwort, Rusty-back Fern and Houndstongue. Hobby breed nearby. Butterflies include Purple and White-letter Hairstreaks. Tony Smith always hoped for Grizzled Skipper too. Timing and access arrangements will be confirmed on the BNHS website and by email in due course.
Leader: Brother John Mayhead, Monastery of Christ Our Saviour, Turvey.
10:00am Visit to the disused railway line running through the Turvey Estate to view plant life in particular but also the many invertebrates, birds, lichens and mosses that flourish here. Orchids should just be beginning to flower. Other plants in or around the railway line have included Adders Tongue Fern, Black Spleenwort, Rusty-back Fern and Houndstongue. Hobby breed nearby. Butterflies include Purple and White-letter Hairstreaks. Tony Smith always hoped for Grizzled Skipper too. Timing and access arrangements will be confirmed on the BNHS website and by email in due course.
Leader: Brother John Mayhead, Monastery of Christ Our Saviour, Turvey.
Friday 30th May : KENSWORTH MAP
2:00pm Visit to the Kensworth Quarry NR. An afternoon visit to the nature reserve, which is in a restored area of the chalk quarry, as well as to surrounding areas. Hopefully the White Helleborine and Common Twayblade will be flowering well. There are steep and sometimes slippery slopes, so walking shoes or boots should be worn. Meet at 2pm in the National Trust Chiltern Gateway Centre car park, LU6 2GY, TL008195. The car park is pay and display (Free for National Trust members).
Leaders: Richard and Geraldine Hogg.
2:00pm Visit to the Kensworth Quarry NR. An afternoon visit to the nature reserve, which is in a restored area of the chalk quarry, as well as to surrounding areas. Hopefully the White Helleborine and Common Twayblade will be flowering well. There are steep and sometimes slippery slopes, so walking shoes or boots should be worn. Meet at 2pm in the National Trust Chiltern Gateway Centre car park, LU6 2GY, TL008195. The car park is pay and display (Free for National Trust members).
Leaders: Richard and Geraldine Hogg.
June 2025
Tuesday 24th June : CLOPHILL MAP
7:00pm An evening walk around Sandy Smith Nature Reserve, Clophill, joint with Bedfordshire Bird Club, looking for resident birds and other wildlife. Park and meet at 7pm at the entrance gate to the reserve TL110387, SG17 5PL.
Leaders: Stefan Baltruschatt and Sue Raven
7:00pm An evening walk around Sandy Smith Nature Reserve, Clophill, joint with Bedfordshire Bird Club, looking for resident birds and other wildlife. Park and meet at 7pm at the entrance gate to the reserve TL110387, SG17 5PL.
Leaders: Stefan Baltruschatt and Sue Raven
July 2025
10:00am Visit to Strawberry Hill, now owned by the Wildlife Trust, for a guided walk with staff. Nearly 40 years ago, the previous owner decided to put his 150 hectare farm into a set-aside scheme and let nature take over. The land was transformed from species-poor arable fields to open grassland, then shrub and young woodland appeared too. As the habitat became wilder, the wildlife moved in – nightingales, turtle doves, grasshopper warblers, harvest mice, badgers and more. Meet at 10am in the temporary car park, TL00546259, MK44 1AA.
Leaders: Chantelle Warriner & Gwen Hitchcock.
10:00am Visit to Strawberry Hill, now owned by the Wildlife Trust, for a guided walk with staff. Nearly 40 years ago, the previous owner decided to put his 150 hectare farm into a set-aside scheme and let nature take over. The land was transformed from species-poor arable fields to open grassland, then shrub and young woodland appeared too. As the habitat became wilder, the wildlife moved in – nightingales, turtle doves, grasshopper warblers, harvest mice, badgers and more. Meet at 10am in the temporary car park, TL00546259, MK44 1AA.
Leaders: Chantelle Warriner & Gwen Hitchcock.
2025 April May June July
Events Programme (PDF)