Adnoto - BNHS Online Recording Forms

Forms for sending Bedfordshire records to the County Recorders:

Arable Plants

Numbers = Species/Records entered into database

Forms for publicly-visible surveys:

Glow worms

Email registration, mapping and record management...


About the Adnoto system...

Adnoto is a simple system of forms for recording wildlife, backed by a database that remembers the records submitted.

  • NEW for GDPR Please read Adnoto's Terms and Conditions explaining how your records will be used and how your personal data will be used. You now have to accept these in order to be able to submit records. (A GDPR opt-in requirement).
  • Submitted records are sent to the named person(s) at the top of each form (usually the relevant County Recorder for the species group).
  • When records are submitted a contact email address must be supplied in case of a query and to allow acknowledgement. All records therefore become associated with an email address which allows a convenient way to allow record retrieval.
  • Email registration is currently optional for record submission but is required for receiving copies. Once your email address is registered you will be able to request a copy for each submission, and also all the records that you have ever submitted into Adnoto. You will also be able to interactively map your records and to delete your records from Adnoto.
  • Emails are sent out identified as BNHS Adnoto, <>. If they don't show when expected then please check your spam filter.
  • New forms are easy to produce, so if you are a County Recorder and would like a form for your group, or you'd like to launch a particular survey, please contact the webmaster.
  • Adnoto is a replacement for the FormBuddy mechanism that served us well for many years. Records submitted using FormBuddy were sent to the County Recorders at the time and are not held in Adnoto's database.
  • Adnoto is a latin verb meaning to note, to observe, to record.

Please report any problems via webmaster providing as many details as possible - thank you.