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If possible submit records using the Adnoto on-line submission form.
You may also wish to contact, or join, the Bedfordshire Flora Group.

Please supply a 100m grid reference for all records, and if you have GPS, a 10m or 1m grid reference is requested.
If possible submit records using one of the following methods:-
The forms contain instructions and full contact details.Recording:
The county recorder is always interested in reports of interesting or unusual species. Either contact him directly, or use iRecord.

Initially formed to survey for Chris Boon's excellent Flora of Bedfordshire,
to promote an interest in botany and to collect
Bedfordshire records for the national BSBI Atlas Project.
The focus for 2020 and beyond is to monitor the County’s rare plants.
Members of the group range in botanical skills from beginners to those with many years of experience. We hold several indoor meetings in the winter at which we review and plan, together with some classwork to enhance identification skills. In the summer we have a number of outdoor meetings to further those identification skills in the field, and conduct site surveys.
All are welcome.
For further details email: John Wakely, or phone 07769 938567.
Sun May 15 - Sharnbrook Summit – a WT reserve consisting of calcareous grassland and scrub. We will look particularly for Arabis hirsuta (Hairy Rock-cress) and Cerastium brachypetalum (Grey Mouse-ear) only known at 1 other site in the country. If time allows we will check the population of Anacamptis morio (Green-winged Orchid) at nearby Wymington Meadow NR.
Sat May 28 - Bromham Hall (with Beds Invertebrate Group) – we will be surveying water meadows beside the River Ouse.
Sun June 5 - Waterloo Thorns – a mosaic of neutral grassland and scrub containing a number of unusual plants including Trifolium ochroleucon (Sulphur Clover), Genista tinctoria (Dyers’ Greenweed) and Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adder’s Tongue Fern). We may also be lucky enough to hear Nightingale and Turtle Dove.
Sat June 11 - Marston Thrift – an ancient semi-natural woodland on clay with wet rides. We hope to locate Luzula forsteri (Southern Wood-rush) at its only county site. Ervum gracile (Slender Tare) occurs just outside the wood.
Mon June 13 18.00 - Wadelows (with BIG) – a small marshy reserve beside the Flit.
Mon June 20 - South Beds Golf Club – many chalk plants occurring on the adjacent nature reserve are likely to be present. We will be surveying in order that the club can be more active in conservation.
Mon July 4 - Peter Smith’s Fields Eversholt (with BIG) an opportunity to survey private acid grassland.
Sun July 10 (full day) - Marston Vale - Aquatic plant identification including indoor session at Marston Vale Visitor Centre 3-5. We will examine plants in the Ouse and elsewhere and in the afternoon look in more detail including microscopy. In particular we hope to cover Potamogeton, Callitriche, Myriophyllum and Stoneworts.
Sat July 17 - Fenlake Meadows Bedford - revisiting water meadows beside the Ouse which we were unable to access in 2021. A number of unusual plants have been recorded from the site.
There are several other meetings in the pipeline, but these are dependent on obtaining landowners’
permission which is not always easy to get!